1901 Monroe St, Commerce, TX 75428

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Do you have an outstanding parking citation issued by UPD?  Would you like to have that citation voided AND help the campus community at the same time?  If so, bring that citation and ten (10) cans of food to UPD during normal working hours (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) Monday through Thursday, November 7-10, 2022.  This is a one-time event, so don’t miss out!  All canned goods collected will be donated to the Lion Food Pantry. There are restrictions on this offer: 

(1) Only one citation per person will be voided, no matter how many cans of food are brought in

(2) This offer does not include citations issued for illegal parking in a disabled zone, parking in a fire lane, or any other violation which carries a similar fee 

(3) All cans brought in must be in date (no expired food will be accepted). 

The University Police Department is located on the Monroe Street side of Henderson Hall.  Come by UPD or call 903.886.5868 with any questions.

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